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15th International Congress on Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (ICSES)

September 5 to 8, 2023

15th International Congress on Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (ICSES)

September 5 to 8, 2023


Notification of final decision by the Scientific Committee on received papers will be sent by April 15, 2023



  • Abstracts can be submitted via the online Abstract Submission Service only. Abstracts sent by fax or email will not be accepted
  • Abstract must be in English
  • The deadline for abstract submission is midnight Central European Time on January 12, 2023. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be accepted
  • Choose your preferred type of presentation between Oral Communication and e-Poster
  • Choose Topic and Sub-topic among the following ones:

Basic Science |Instability   |   Rotator Cuff   |   Sport Medicine   |   Fracture   |   Arthritis and Arthroplasty   | Miscellaneous   |   Shoulder Rehabilitation


Basic Science   | Instability   |   Tendinopathy   |   Sport Medicine   |   Fracture   |   Arthritis and Arthroplasty   |   Miscellaneous   |   Elbow Rehabilitation

  • The complete abstract must not exceed 30 words/200 characters for the TITLE and 350 words/3200 characters for the BODY. The abstract title should be short, informative and contain the major key words
  • AUTHORS/AFFILIATIONS: you may enter up to 10 authors in the authors list and 20 affiliations. The presenting must be part of the authors list included in the submitted abstract. The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form. Please make sure you have entered the full list of authors. The authors’ order and details (names, cities, country codes) will be published as entered in the form
  • TITLE: capitalize the entire title. Spell out words. Do not use abbreviations and check that your title is complete in case you copy and paste it into the field
  • TEXT: Abstracts should be structured into the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Figures, tables, graphs and images are not allowed
  • Do not repeat authors, institutions, city and abbreviations in the title or in the text since the grading and selection process is blinded
  • Do not include grant acknowledgements in the abstract content. Do not cite keywords or references in the abstract, as they are not allowed and will be deleted
  • Abstract will be accepted according to scientific merit
  • ICSES 2023 allows the submission of abstracts for original contribution to the field only.

Final selection of abstract will be made by the Scientific Committee by end of March 2023. All abstract corresponding authors will be then notified about the outcome (accepted or not accepted) of the review process. Please ensure that the email provided during the abstract submission is accurate as all correspondences will be sent via email.


  • Abstract/s whose Registration is received after June 12, 2023, will not be published on the abstract book
  • Each presenting Author is allowed to present up to 3 abstracts with one paid registration

For any further information, please contact:


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Tel: +39.06.33053.1
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